Friday, February 23, 2018

Who am I?

Only 6 letters, 3 words and yet such a big story to be told. Who am I?   

Me and my family, taku whanau. 

This first entry will take some time. They say a picture paints a thousand words. My whanau is a thousand pictures of Us, our moments, our being here, being us. Being us......

To start let me explain one thing.

Whakapapa (Māori pronunciation: [ˈfakapapa]), or genealogy, is a fundamental principle in Māori culture. A person reciting their whakapapa, places themselves in a wider context, links themselves to land and tribal groupings and the mana of those.

I don’t know enough to proclaim I am reciting or writing down my Whakapapa but I am attempting to place myself in a wider context. To give my existence meaning, to belong or to be part of this amazing interesting perfectly imperfect bunch of people That I call family whanau.


Who am I?

Only 6 letters, 3 words and yet such a big story to be told. Who am I?    Me and my family, taku whanau.  This first entry will take som...